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Having allergies can make owning a pet difficult. Over-the-counter allergy medicines like Zyrtec are not always enough to combat these allergies. This means that many allergy sufferers may resign themselves to never bringing home a furry companion.

However, it’s important to note that a person can be allergic to either the dander an animal carries on its fur or specific proteins in their saliva. For those who are allergic to the dander, they may be able to tolerate a breed with a non-shedding coat which produces little dander.

Read on to discover ten breeds that may finally give allergy sufferers the ability to own a cat or dog.

10 Dog and Cat Breeds for Allergy Sufferers

Allergy-Friendly Dog Breeds:

1. Bichon Frise

Despite its fluffy coat, the Bichon Frise is often considered to be “hypoallergenic.” The Bichon Frise is a small breed who enjoys playtime and is extremely affectionate.

2. Miniature Schnauzer

The Miniature Schnauzer produces minimal shedding, making it an ideal choice for those who suffer from dog allergies. As its name suggests, this dog is a small breed who is very intelligent and easy to train.

3. Poodle

Poodles, with their minimal shedding, are widely considered to be a hypoallergenic breed. There are four sizes of poodles – toy, miniature, standard, and medium. Poodles are considered smart, easy to train, and loyal to their owners.

4. Shih Tzu

The Shih Tzu, as long as its coat is regularly groomed, is a good choice for allergy sufferers. They are an intelligent toy breed that is a great choice for those in small living spaces.

5. Wheaten Terrier

Despite their fluffy appearance, Wheaten Terrier’s are not likely to shed, making them an ideal choice for those who suffer from dog allergies. However, even though they don’t shed, keep in mind that they do require a great deal of grooming and maintenance.

Allergy-Friendly Cat Breeds:

1. Sphynx

Since it is hairless, the Sphinx is an obvious choice for allergic cat lovers. However, even though they do not have any fur to shed, they do still carry the allergens on their skin. They do require regular bathing to remove it. They are an extremely intelligent breed who loves to seek attention from their owners.

2. Siberian

Siberian cats have been noted to have minimal dander in their coats, and they may be an option for allergy sufferers. Siberians are a medium-sized feline that is known to be adventurous and playful.

3. Devon Rex

The Devon Rex has minimal fur and therefore sheds less than other breeds. While they still require regular maintenance of their coat, individuals who are allergic to cats may find that they have minimal to no symptoms around this breed. The Devon Rex is extremely active and requires quite a bit of playtime.

4. Russian Blue

Russian Blue cats have less dander than other breeds and shed minimally. Therefore, they will not produce major allergy symptoms in most people. The Russian Blue is a laid-back breed known best for its beautiful coat and features.

5. Bengal

With its short coat, Bengal cats do not shed very much and therefore produce less dander within the home. They are known to be an excellent choice for those with pet allergies. The Bengal is a larger breed that is energetic but gentle.

Being allergic to cats or dogs does not necessarily mean you will never be able to own one. For those with only mild allergies or those that can be managed with over the counter medications, there are options available. Seeking out one of the breeds listed above may finally give allergy sufferers the chance to bring home a furry friend.

Being allergic to cats or dogs does not necessarily mean you will never be able to own one. Discover ten breeds that may finally give allergy sufferers the ability to own a cat or dog.
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