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Basset Hounds are friendly and docile dogs that can be easily identified by their large, bulky body, droopy ears, and stubby legs. Basset, as a matter of fact, derives from the word bas, which is the definition for low in French. They are also known for their ability to track and hunt as well as being devoted family pets.

Are Basset Hounds Good Pets?


The physical attributes that distinguish the Basset Hound from other breeds are those that make it an admirable hunting dog.

Their short legs, big bones, and long body allow it to move through tough terrain with great ease. At first glance, you wouldn’t think that these dogs are agile, but they also have excellent physical endurance and stamina.

Bassets are generally considered to be large dogs, and they weigh anywhere between 40 to 60 pounds and are about 14 inches in height.


If there’s anything these dogs are known for, besides their goofy appearance, it’s their friendly disposition. Thanks to their hunting origins and having had to travel in a pack, they do very well with other dogs and most pets.

They also love being around people, and they enjoy the company of children, though care must be taken with smaller kids, as they can be a bit rough when playing.

What Health Problems do Basset Hounds Have?

Basset Hounds have an average lifespan of 10 to 14 years. They’re generally healthy dogs, but like all breeds, there are some health problems that they are predisposed to.

Some of these conditions include underactive thyroid, luxating patella, hip and elbow dysplasia, ear infections, glaucoma, and von Willebrand’s disease.


Basset Hounds require general grooming such as bathing and brushing their teeth on a regular basis. Special care must be taken to keep the nails short to prevent them from overgrowing and breaking.

Clipping the nails once a month is enough to prevent this from happening. If they’re fairly active and the nails are naturally kept short, then trimming may not be needed as frequently.

As recommended for all long-eared breeds, these canines should also have their ears regularly inspected, dried, and cleaned to avoid any bacteria or yeast buildup that can lead to an infection.

Exercise and Training

Although athletic by nature, if left up to them, these dogs are just as content being couch potatoes. That, combined with their propensity to obesity, makes it very important to take them on daily walks and engage them in additional physical activities throughout the day.

Getting them to exercise isn’t usually a challenge, it’s just a matter of encouraging them to stay active. Training, on the other hand, can be an ordeal for inexperienced owners, as many tend to be stubborn.

A good approach to training is using treats, given that they are highly motivated by food. It’s an invaluable tool when used in combination with positive reinforcement, patience, and persistence.

All in all, Basset Hounds make great pets and excellent hunters. They don’t ask for much when it comes to exercise, they’re low-maintenance, only requiring the occasional bathing and cleaning of the ears and best of all, they get along with just about anyone.

Find out if a Basset Hound is the right breed for you.
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