Taking good care of your dog’s gut health will guarantee that the vitamins and minerals from their diet are properly absorbed. Proper absorption will result in improved overall health and a happier dog.
It is hard to tell when a dog’s stomach isn’t happy. They can’t speak to you and can only share signals through their toilet habits. Pursuing the right routine and tricks will guarantee that you do everything possible to take the best care of your dog’s gut health.
Let’s dive in and discuss the best techniques to improve your dog’s gut health.
Make your own natural treats
While you can read the labels on the dog treats and food containers, some might be so long that you don’t bother. Then, you don’t know what your dog is consuming.
If you make your own dog treats, you can better control your dog’s diet and what enters its gut. You will know what goes into the treats, so you can provide your dog with the healthiest food choices. You could make carrot dog biscuits or dog-friendly fibre balls to improve your dog’s digestion and make its gut happy.
Hydration is key
Keeping your dog hydrated is crucial for improving their gut health. Lots of water will help their food pass through easily and increase nutrient absorption.
Thanks to plenty of water, your dog won’t feel uncomfortable anymore when they have a healthier digestive system. Always keep a water bowl available to encourage them to drink it. Adding one next to their food bowl and giving them a bowl after treats will guarantee they drink plenty of water.
Daily supplements in their diet
Dog supplements are incredible for improving their gut health. Adding a simple supplement to their daily food will help them enjoy a smoother digestive system and experience fewer stomach issues.
Getting probiotics for dogs is the best bet to help things move smoothly and help them feel more comfortable. It might be due to stomach troubles if you notice they are itching or scratching. Hence, adding a safe and natural probiotic to their diet will aid a happier gut.
Limit simple carbohydrates
Although dogs can eat dry kibble and similar simple carbohydrates (that are dog-friendly), they shouldn’t overeat it. It can slow digestion and cause hard stools, which are very uncomfortable for your dog to pass.
Limiting these simple carbohydrates will improve gut health and reduce the risk of pancreatitis. Pancreatitis is a common dog issue that many people believe is due to excessive fats. However, dry kibble and simple carbs can cause this issue.
Reduce stress
It might sound crazy, but dogs can experience stress, which can cause stomach troubles. We know that stress causes gut issues. It is the same for dogs.
Stress can harm your dog’s digestive system, resulting in problems like diarrhoea or appetite loss. Provide your dog with a secure, tranquil environment with lots of opportunities for leisure. Offering a regular schedule, a secure environment and positive reinforcement can reduce stress and promote a healthy digestive system.
Focus on fibre
Dogs should consume a fibrous diet. Fibre helps things pass smoothly and quickly in the digestive system, reducing stomach problems.
Luckily, dogs can eat fruits and vegetables. You can add these foods to their meals or snacks to ensure they get plenty of fibre, which will improve their gut health.
When buying from the store, choose whole foods
Whole Foods is a food group that both dogs and humans can benefit from. The higher-quality ingredients will make your dog’s stomach happy.
Whole foods contain nutritional ingredients that your dog needs for better overall health. Eating quality ingredients will aid digestion and maintain a happy gut. Adding whole foods to a dog’s diet will restore a dog’s stomach naturally if it has been dealing with issues and guarantee improved comfort.
Encourage them to get regular exercise
Dogs need regular exercise. It helps keep them healthy and also aids better digestion (just like humans).
It will improve bowel movements and also offer you the chance to improve your gut health. Playing in the garden and going for daily walks are plenty to make sure they get enough movement and maintain positive gut health.
Avoid overfeeding your dog
Overfeeding can result in obesity and digestive problems in dogs. It’s crucial to give your dog the right amount of food based on its size, age, and activity level.
Accurately measure out their meals and refrain from overindulging in sweets or leftovers from the table. Sustaining a healthy weight helps support gut homeostasis and helps ward off digestive issues. Also, be sure to give them the recommended amount of treats. Their meals might be adequate, but their treats are excessive, causing weight gain and tummy troubles. Ask a dog expert, as treat limitations will differ between breeds.
Go to see the vet frequently for check-ups
Speaking of dog experts, it is good to have a vet nearby. Maintaining the health of your dog’s digestive system requires routine examinations with your veterinarian.
Your veterinarian can offer tailored guidance regarding nutrition, vitamins, and any particular medical issues. Routine health screenings can also help identify and treat any potential problems early on.
Avoid harmful foods
There are certain foods that dogs cannot eat. If they do, it can make them seriously sick.
For example, theobromine, which is highly toxic to dogs, can cause severe symptoms like vomiting, diarrhoea, fast breathing, elevated heart rate, and even seizures. Chocolate contains this toxin.
Dogs should also avoid foods like grapes and raisins because even tiny amounts of these foods might result in renal failure.
Whether they are cooked, raw, or powdered, onions and garlic can harm a dog’s red blood cells and induce anaemia, which can result in frailty, lethargic behaviour, and respiratory problems.
Always keep an eye on what your dog is eating in and around your home. When they eat safe foods, it won’t harm their gut.